In compliance with the FEDERAL LAW FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA HELD BY PRIVATE PARTIES dated July 5, 2010, (hereinafter the “Law”), the following Privacy Notice (hereinafter the “Notice”) is issued.

FIRST. – HARSO TECHNOLOGIES S.A. DE C.V. is responsible for obtaining personal data, for the use that is made of it, and for its protection. Likewise, it will be the entity processing requests from the holders for the exercise of ARCO rights referred to in the Law. HARSO TECHNOLOGIES S.A. DE C.V. is located at Andrés Bello #10, Col. Polanco IV Section, ZIP 11560, Mexico City.

SECOND. RELEVANCE OF DATA.- The information obtained from the holders is presumed to be relevant, correct, up-to-date, and useful for the purposes for which it is collected and used. The holder is solely responsible for the truthfulness and appropriateness of the information provided to the Responsible party.

THIRD. PURPOSES. Personal information will be used to provide services, inform about modifications, changes or additions to them, and carry out the evaluation of the quality of the services provided by HARSO TECHNOLOGIES S.A. DE C.V., as well as for conducting and complementing market studies.

FOURTH. PERSONAL DATA.- To comply with the Law and this notice, HARSO TECHNOLOGIES S.A. DE C.V. may, if applicable, require the holder to provide the following personal and/or sensitive personal data contained in section VI of article 3 of the Law, among others: Name, surnames, addresses, telephones, emails, payment information, CURP (Personal ID Code), marital status, place of birth, nationality, health status, educational level, union membership, type of commercial relationship, and others established in section VI of article 3 of the Law. All information directly or indirectly provided by the holder for the purpose of fulfilling legal relationships between the holder and the responsible party. However, the Responsible party may obtain personal information from the holder through public access sources as mentioned in article 7 of the Regulation of the Law.

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